
Friday, December 21, 2012

Goodbye 2012

Hairflipping my way into 2013 
I pray this year will mark a new beginning for all sentient beings.

May all be happy
May all be free from disease
May all realize what is good
May no one be subject to misery
May the wicked become virtuous
May those who are virtuous attain tranquility of mind
May those who are tranquil of mind be free from bondage
May those who are free make others free
I salute the all blissful Lord of all auspiciousness
Who's compassion makes even the mute eloquent and the cripple cross mountains.
May good be tied to all people
May the rulers rule the earth following the righteous path
May all beings ever attain what is good
May the worlds be prosperous and happy.
May the clouds pour rain in time
May the earth be blessed with crops
May this our country be free from calamity
May holy men live without fear
May God the destroyer of evil, presiding deity of all sacred activities be satisfied
For God being pleased the whole universe becomes pleased
For God being satisfied the whole universe becomes satisfied.
OM peace, peace, peace be unto us all.

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